Signing a memorandum of understanding
Signing a memorandum of understanding

signing a memorandum of understanding

Bisht senior faculty from NCGG and Shri Shashi Bhushan, Deputy Director General, Dr.

signing a memorandum of understanding

G Narendra Kumar, Director General (NIRDPR) with team of officials – Prof. Srinivas, Secretary, Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances (DAR&PG), Government of India & Director General, National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG) and Dr. The MoU signing ceremony was held online between Shri V. NCGG has suggested to identify the bench mark of the indexing of Rural Governance at the panchayat level. Many key mutual areas of interest were identified as actionable points, including leveraging e-governance at panchayat level, documenting good governance models at panchayat level, simplification of forms among others and best practices of the rural governance. The MoU will not only help in application of good governance principles in true spirit but will also ensure their effective implementation in terms of transparency and accountability in utilisation of public funds in intended manner for delivering services to benefit rural communities. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is a signed non-obligating and legally non-binding document that describes the intentions, roles and responsibilities of. The main purpose of having this agreement is to focus on different collaborative activities by drawing upon the strengths of these two national institutions for bringing better good governance mechanisms into practice across all programmes and schemes.īoth the institutions agreed to exchange knowledge and take up capacity building of functionaries at all levels of government, including Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs). The European Commission welcomed the commitment of ICMPD and GIZ to further enhance their collaboration in addressing one of the most complex and politicised issues of our times.In order to promote inclusive good governance, strengthening of local institutions and effective implementation of government programmes, the National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG), Government of India and National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj (NIRD & PR), Hyderabad signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Monday, 17 th Jan’22. When we sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a supplier, we use our national buying power to agree preferential pricing and discounts on products and.

signing a memorandum of understanding

The conversation further evolved around the need to work on the whole spectrum of migration and development, together with a variety of stakeholders, including on enhancing channels for legal migration, ensuring that migration is well-managed and tackling the challenges of climate mobility. In a following discussion, the three stakeholders reiterated that partnerships are not only the key to address current challenges in the area of migration and development, but are also the only viable way forward to achieving more sustainable results on shared objectives. The European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) was also present at the signing ceremony. Recalling past cooperation initiatives, ICMPD and GIZ highlighted that by joining forces, they aim to strengthen their contribution to creating functioning frameworks to harness the positive contribution of migration to societies around the world. With the signing, the two organisations also commit to make better use of our respective networks, to create vital synergies and prevent duplication of efforts. It enshrines the resolute intention to strengthen the exchange of complementary expertise in order to work more effectively and with greater impact in their projects and programmes. The MoU represents the beginning of a new chapter of a long-standing cooperation between ICMPD and GIZ.

Signing a memorandum of understanding